
strip teasers. I wanted to tell her my thoughts and soon I blurted out what I had been doing since I had gotten to town my escapades as a male file clerk, and a fe- male secretary complete with the sordid story of J. P. caldwell and my subsequent change back to my old self and the job as a waiter in a restaurant. Janet listened with a sympathetic ear.


"I always knew that you'd make a better girl than a boy. "Please come over to my apartment tomorrow night as a girl, I want to see what you look like." she said.

The next night I was in heaven again. Back in the clothes that I loved so much. The stockings. The slip ... the cosmetics and accessories that felt so natural to



When Janet saw me she actually reeled back on her high heels. "Why, you're beautiful, she exclaimed. "You're much more beautiful than I. . . I can't get over it."

We sat and talked as two girls for the rest of the evening. Janet agreed to help me learn the art of strip- ping in her spare time, and also to introduce me to the manager when the time came.

I worked hard. Janet brought some of her costumes home and we went through some routines.

I was disappointed that I did not have the Physical attributes to fill out the costume. After all, a stripper did go further than I could without revealing my true sex. So I was disappointed and continued working. The feeling had gone out of my life. I wanted to do this so much.

Janet noted my anxiety over the weeks, but what could she do. Then one day she burst into my apartment She was terribly excited.

She had

She had talked to one of the girls, who it turned out had at one time been almost flat chested. seen this woman doctor, who gave her injections of es-